Into the Woods 2025 Into the Woods (formerly known as Webelos Woods) at Camp Karankawa is sure to be informative and a lot of fun for your Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts. Scouts BSA members will teach Webelos and AOL Scouts things like Dutch oven cooking, knots & lashings, & more! Bring your pride for your patrol and your love for the outdoors. Scouts will leave with memories, progress towards their rank and an Into the Woods patch! |
WHO CAN COME: (This event is for all districts) - $35 Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts (register by Sept. 11 for a $10 discount) - $5 Adult/Parent of Webelos or AOL - Register as "Adult/Parent" - $5 Saturday dinner / Sunday breakfast (optional for troops) - Complimentary - Scouts BSA Youth & Adult Staff - Register as "Youth Staff"/"Adult Staff" - No Tigers, Wolves or Bears may attend. - All adults MUST either be registered members of the BSA OR be the parent/legal guardian of a Webelos or Arrow of Light Scout present at the event. All adults MUST show proof of current Youth Protection Training. MAX ATTENDANCE: We are limited to 8 Patrols of 10 Scouts. Sign up now! PACKING LIST: BSA Health Form (Parts A & B) Meals needed to pack - Dinner Friday / Breakfast and sack lunch for Saturday. Field Uniform (Class A) & Activity Uniform (Class B) Tent & sleeping gear Change of clothes Toiletries Patrol name Patrol flag Patrol yell Pack flag | TIME: Check-in at 5:00 p.m. on Friday. Check-out at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday. DATE: Oct. 3-Oct. 5, 2025 LOCATION: Camp Karankawa 1459 FM 3249 Rd., Sweeny, TX 77480 CONTACT: Kelly Meacham at REGISTER BY: Sept. 26, 2024  DOWNLOAD THE FLYER HERE (coming soon) DOWNLOAD THE LEADER'S GUIDE HERE (coming soon) |