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Bay Area CouncilRecharter & Join Scouting Costs


How to Recharter & Update on Scouting Fees

Scouting Fees

Effective April 1st, 2024, the BSA will implement the following national membership fees which were approved by the National Executive Committee:

  • $85, Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturers & Sea Scouts + $6 Bay Area Council Insurance fee
  • $65, adults + $6 Bay Area Council Insurance fee 
  • $50, Exploring participants Youth & Adult + $6 Bay Area Council Insurance fee 
  • $25 for Merit Badge Counselors not registered in a unit
  • $100 Unit Charter fee 
  • $15 for Scout Life magazine (optional)



Recharter Process

  • Every member will renew their membership online.

  • Units WILL BE able to choose to pay renewals for all members, this option will block the online payment by the parent.

  • Units will be able to opt out of a member so as not to pay for someone who has quit.

  • Each member will receive an email renewal notice reminder beginning 60 days before the anniversary month.

  • Units will get notifications via email for members to be renewed and members who have renewed.

  • Renewal status will show on the unit roster.

  • Units will have access to reporting in My.Scouting for members due to renew, members renewed, and members dropped (opt-out.)


Merit Badge Counselors

  • Beginning in August 2023, Merit Badge Counselors who are NOT REGISTERED as an adult leader in a unit will pay an annual fee of $25.

  • Merit Badge Counselors that are not registered in a unit position are not allowed to attend overnight Scouting activities/events.


Unit Role in Charter Renewal

  • Unit Charter Renewal will be simplified and streamlined. The unit will validate the leadership and YPT requirements, validate the membership requirements, and pay the Unit Charter fee. This can be done by one of the unit Key-3 leaders.


Recharter Process

Recharter opens OCTOBER 1st.

To Recharter, the Unit Key 3 (Chartered Org Rep, Committee Chair, Cubmaster/Scoutmaster/ Crew Advisor or Skipper should visit

-2024 Recharter Checklist

-Annual Charter Agreement

-Unit Account Authorization Form

-Specific Assistance Request

-JTE Scorecards


How to Recharter

1. Login at and go to Organization Manager (Unit Leader, committee chair, chartered organization representative, or designee have access).

2. Click On “Unit Renewal” on the menu.

3. Validate Information 12-month term.

4. Make Changes To Leadership if needed in Position Manager – Have leaders take YPT if needed.

5. E-Sign the Page. 

6. Pay and Submit

Download the Charter Renewal Guide


Additional Resources

Member Renewal Infographic

- I want to renew my registration

- I want to recharter my unit

Our unit will pay for our members





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