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Bay Area CouncilCUB CAMP 2025


Cub Day Camp 2025


Scouts will dive into the world of creativity and problem-solving! They’ll build, design, and explore new ideas through hands-on activities, challenges, and teamwork. 

Cub Camps are five-day long afternoon camps that are open to all registered Cub Scouts who are Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos and Arrow of Light. 

Scouts register individually for camp, but we encourage dens and packs to coordinate plans to attend camp together. Register today!


NEW! Council Wide Cub Camp

TIME: 3-8 p.m., daily
*Adults must show current Driver's License to drop-off and pick-up Scouts

DATE: June 9-13, 2025
(Register by May 23)

LOCATION: Christia Adair Park, 15107 Cullen Blvd., Houston, TX

COST: Includes  crafts, patch, t-shirt, and water bottle. 
Extra t-shirts are $15 each or $17 for Adult 2XL-3XL.

Register BEFORE April 1, $100
Register BETWEEN April 1-18, $120

Register AFTER April 18, $140

- PARENTS OF TIGER CUBS, complimentary & must attend
TOT LOT 6 AND UNDER, complimentary for staff's children only and must be potty-trained 
- STAFF & Den Walkers, complimentary

CONTACT: Julie Sluder or Mary Tehas at

Register here (coming soon!)

- Wear your Cub Camp t-shirt each day after you have been issued one.
BSA Health Form (Parts A&B). If you are in a unit, give your form to your unit coordinator. If you are an individual, bring your form on the first day of camp.
- Youth Protection Training (YPT) - This is required for all adults, parents or staff attending Cub Camp.
Copy of your driver's license if you plan on driving - picking-up or dropping-off.
- Water bottle
- Sack lunch/dinner/snacks

- Hat
- Sunscreen
- Bug spray

CAMPERSHIPS: The Bay Area Council believes that no Scout should be denied a camp experience due to cost, and works to meet the need of all Scouts who want to go to camp, up to 50% of the total cost. Families who need assistance are encouraged to apply for a campership.
For more information, visit and scroll down to Awards & Forms, download the Bay Area Council Assistance Request Form.

TO REGISTER: Please have unit number, t-shirt size, emergency contact info, and food allergies or physical disabilities ready.

VOLUNTEERS: If you would like to volunteer, please register as staff!




Save the date!

Cub Camp: June 8-12, 2026

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