Camp Karankawa 3249 FM 1459 Rd. Sweeny, TX 77480 979-345-3964 Camp Ranger, DK Hopwood 979-248-4330 Amenities Camp K has 400+ acres of beautiful Texas wilderness located just West of West Columbia, Texas in Sweeny. Scouts and their families have the opportunity to gather lasting memories, make life-long friends, and learn valuable life skills all while enjoying the great outdoors at Camp Karankawa. - 400+-seat air-conditioned dining hall w/ commercial kitchen
- 1,000-person campsites
- Restroom & hot shower facilities
- First aid lodge
- Hiking trail
- Horse corral
- Lake Hermann
- Leader’s Lodge & Training Lodge
- Nature Center
- Outdoor amphitheatre & chapel
- *Olympic-sized swimming pool
- *Shooting ranges
- Trading Post
*Some amenities require trained Rangemasters and Lifeguards. National Camp Accreditation Currently Camp Karankawa has completed yearly assessment visitations through the Boy Scouts of America's National Camp Accreditation Program (NCAP) resulting in the achievement of accreditation each year of the new program's existence. In 2015, the Bay Area Council went through full implementation of the NCAP program and was granted a five year authorization to operate. History October 1930: An Article in the Angleton Times Newspaper told of a proposed Scout Camp on the Bernard River. October 11, 1954: The first 172 acres of what is now Camp Karankawa was purchased. March 16, 1955: The first Camp Ranger, Paul V. Clegg, was hired. May 9, 1955: The official name of Karankawa was adopted for the camp, based on the Karankawa Indians from this area. June 4, 1955: The official dedication of Camp Karankawa occurred on this date with 300 Scouts in attendance, and opened the first year of Summer Camp. July 14, 1969: An additional 88 acres known as the Quahadi Area (a particular tribe of the Karankawas) was purchased for the purpose of building a lake on the property. May 30, 1984: An additional 54 acres of property was purchased and construction on the Lake began. Press + Elementary students learn outdoors in camp, The Daily News, May 4, 2012 + Boy Scout run stays true to course, The Daily News, February 18, 2010 + Keep your kids from becoming TV zombies, The Daily News, October 25, 2009 + Boy Scouts' Camp Karankawa to get upgrades, The Daily News, May 6, 2009 + Camp Karankawa: Boy Scouts prime for Jamboree, The Daily News, June 11, 1989 + For the Christmas Holidays - A Merit Badge Outing, Scouting Magazine, pp. 48-52, September 1985 + Karankawa is home to 1,300 Scouts annually, The Facts, June 28, 1964 Links Required Camp Forms The following documents must be on file at the camp and available for inspection. We recommend that this be done at least three weeks prior to the opening of day camps. BSA MEMBERSHIP ROSTER (Responsibility of unit leader - access at ADULT IN CAMP TEXAS STATE COMPLIANCE FORM (Responsibility of adults and unit leadership) SEXUAL OFFENDER DATABASE CHECK (Responsibility unit leadership - Enter the Sexual Offender Database, search by name and print a copy.) YOUTH PROTECTION TRAINING (All adults must be registered members of the BSA and have YPT.) BSA ANNUAL HEALTH & MEDICAL RECORD (Parts A&B required for 72 hours or less. A, B & C required for camps more than 72 hours.) CAMP KARANKAWA RESERVATION FORM CAMP KARANKAWA RELEASE FORM CAMP KARANKAWA EVALUATION FORM CAMP KARANKAWA POLICY & USE MANUAL HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT FORM CAMP K CONSENT FORM | Welcome to Camp Karankawa - Download the map HERE - Download directions from GOOGLE MAPS - Check the burn ban HERE - Like us on FACEBOOK Reservations To reserve Camp Karankawa for a large program or just the weekend, download the form. Everything you need to know is on the reservation form, including amenities, pricing, and how to reserve your space. Download the Scout camping reservation form HERE Download the Camping & Volunteer Opportunities Brochure HERE Download the Corporate Rental Brochure HERE Download the range rules HERE Download the policies & use manual HERE Ray Olachia Memorial Hiking Trail With Advancement Worksheet The Ray Olachia Memorial Hiking Trail is a one-mile hike where Scouts can interact with nature and view various plants, animals, birds and wildlife. The trail is located between the Training Lodge and Staff Cabins and marks the entrance to the Nature Lodge. The trail is lined with 14 tree markers that provide Cub Scout Packs, Scouts BSA Troops, and weekend campers with advancement opportunities. Extend your hike by starting at various locations such as your campsite. There are also shaded picnic tables available for snack on the trail. (Copies of the Scout worksheets are available below or at the trailhead.) The trail is named for Ray Olachia, who was a full-blooded Mescal Apache. A long-time employee of the Dow Chemical Company, Ray traversed many miles over the years demonstrating the way Native Americans lived, hunted, and clothed themselves. He was also an avid Scouter. He was very fond of leading inquisitive people on nature trail tours, naming the various plant species found along the way, discussing their uses, and their dangers. He was also interested in helping Scouts advance in rank. DOWNLOAD THE CUB SCOUT ADVANCEMENT TRAIL WORKSHEET HERE DOWNLOAD THE CUB SCOUT ADVANCEMENT TRAIL WORKSHEET HERE Adopt-A-Campsite Your unit has the opportunity to take ownership of a portion of Camp Karankawa as part of our Ranger’s Adopt-A-Site program, making reservations complimentary. Benefits include: - Weekend camping fees will be waived and units will be allowed exclusive use of their adopted sites while weekend camping. - After one year of service, a sign will be posted designating the site “Home of Troop/Pack/Crew/Ship." - Units must be willing to commit to two annual workdays to improve and maintain your campsite. - Responsibilities include removing tree hazards, clearing/burning brush, cleaning and servicing latrines, and building storage racks for fire tools. - Two adults within the unit must take chainsaw training from the Camp Ranger. For more information, email Campmasters Crew Needed Campmasters assist the camp ranger, and are responsible for helping with events hosted by Camp Karankawa. Campmasters must attend a training by the camp ranger, and will have use of the Leader's Lodge or training lodge during their stay at camp. Becoming a Campmaster is also a great way to earn your Wood Badge. The Camp Ranger is looking for volunteers who possess the following skills: Carpentry Electrician Landscaping Plumbing Roofing Flooring Cherry Picking Lawn mowing Excavating etc. If you have skills and can assist with labor or equipment, please download and fill out our Campmasters Program form. Volunteers Needed. Earn Service Hours! The Camp Rangers hosts volunteer workdays monthly. Volunteers can be youth or adults, ages 5-65. The Ranger has something for everyone to do. Units can also earn Service Hours. Projects include: - Brush removal - Camp cleanup - Camp projects For more information, contact Camp Ranger DK Hopwood at |